Don’t corsets weaken your ab muscles?

Doesn’t sitting on a couch all day scrolling weaken your ab muscles? 

OK, no, but in all seriousness, if you’re not using your ab muscles at all, they will weaken, like with any muscle, right? 

So yah, it is important you do core strengthening workouts when you’re NOT wearing your corset, like: going on a brisk walk, pilates & yoga, or your average crunches. 

I know there are videos online that show women take off their corset and fall over, because their “core is so weak” and they need their corset to stand up straight. 

I mean, cmon. 

I’ve known people to go on these types of shows, and it’s so exaggerated just to make for a good show. 

Like, maybe she took off her corset and stumbled a little because she tripped over herself out of nervousness. 

I do that all the time. 

And I’m sure you know someone who does this and they DON’T wear a corset. 

Anywys, and then the show edits it to where right after she takes off her corset, she falls over and makes the viewers believe she fell becasue her core is so weak. 

Just so you know, when you’re wearing a corset, you can still stick in your stomach, and you can still flex your abs.