Do corsets rearrange your organs?


Pregnancy moves your organs much more than wearing a corset ever will. 

Most of your organs rest slightly below your waist, so all they do is lower a bit more. 

Those scary looking pictures that show the woman’s organs being totally squished or displaced, well… I hate to pop some bubbles, but your organs are not exaggeratedly displaced like that. 

There was an MRI scan done with a woman wearing a corset who reduced her waist by 5 whole inches, 

(check out my YouTube for that video).

Long story short, her organs looked fine on the MRI scan. 

Pregnancy shifts a women’s organs moreso than a corset EVER will. 

And the rebuttal “well pregnancy is natural, corsets are not” comeback makes no sense. 

So because pregnancy is natural, and pregnancies may rearrange the woman’s organs to make room for the baby, doesn’t that make it natural for the organs to shift a little? 

Organs are not immoveable body parts. 

When you’re on a roller coaster, dont you feel your organs, or belly moving around as you plunge towards the ground? 

Are roller coasters natural? 

Do our organs shift back to their “designated spot” once we get off the roller coaster? 

Do our organs shift back to their “designated spot” once we take off our corset? 

Who knows. 

But what we do know is that corsets are NOT dangerous if used with proper care, and corsets may rearrange your organs a bit, but no more. 

When someone truly wants to learn, they will go above and beyond to find every single side and perspective of the topic their intrigued by. 

That said, yes, there are LOADS of blogs and videos that site articles and doctors and scientific research regarding the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad corset. 

But what these blogs & videos fail to do, is gather unbiased information and speak or write about the “other side”. 

A good study will have BOTH PROS AND CONS in their findings, not just ONE OR THE OTHER. 

There are also articles, and doctors and even scientific research that discuss how amazing corsets are. 

If you want to bash corsets, point fingers, and help spread lies and rumors about something you’ve never tried but just heard on the Dr. Oz show or other media outlet that is known to be biased, BY ALL MEANS. 

If you want to really truly actually learn more about corsets from someone who has done studies, wrote articles, and does not look at corsets with a bias, but instead through science and fact, please, I IMPLORE you to check out