Are corset results permanent?

From my experience and other corset wearers I’ve spoken to, yes they are permanent. 

The human body is very receptive, so if you’re wearing a steel-boned corset everyday, your body is going to eventually get accustomed to the change. 

If there are folks saying corsets don’t give permanent results, they’re not wearing it long enough. 

Give it about 6 months – be persistent & dedicated! 

We’re all so used to instant gratification, but when you are wanting to reduce your waist through corsets, you must be patient. 

It’s NOT going to come immediate. 

It depends on a number of factors such as: your diet & exercise: foods that do not bloat you, you’re moving your body in some form every day, how often you’re wearing your corset, how tight you’re wearing it, how much of a ‘SQUISH’ you have, and so much more. 

For example: if you have more muscle on your torso, results may be slower, if you have more “squish” or fat on your torso, results can come faster. 

I will say though, based on my experience and people I’ve spoken to who wear corsets, results can start showing in the form of things like: you can close your corset tighter and more easily, or after you’ve taken off your corset your waist doesn’t go RIGHT BACK to “normal”, but instead it gradually expands back to ‘normal’ over a period of a couple hours. 

If you lose weight through say cutting your carbs, and then once you see results, you up your carb intake, you may gain weight, right?! 

There needs to be a maintenance in your carbs. 

Same thing with corset waist training. 

If you start to see results, obviously keep going. 

But also, there needs to be some maintenance with corset wearing. 

Say you’ve reached your goal waist size, maybe you lost 4-5 inches off your natural waist and you don’t want to wear corsets anymore. 

That’s fine. 

You dont HAVE to wear corsets as tight or as often as when you were trying to lose inches. 

BUT, you may still need to wear your corset every so often to MAINTAIN your waist shape & size.