Hey! My name is Sinduz Marie (pronounced sin-does), or Sin. Nice to meet you!  Below you will find a few things about me that you may or may not know, a few links to put visuals together, and how you can contact me privately. Let’s start from the beginning… 

My first ever “content creation” was back in 2012 when I created a “water distillation” video. I was on a wellness and holistic kick and thought it would be fun to post on YouTube. Unfortunately, later that year I lost the password to that YouTube channel and did not make any more content, until March of 2013. I started my corset waist training journey and began posting about it on another YouTube channel (which I deleted about a year later for personal reasons). Ever since then I’ve been on & off my content creator path; starting accounts, and then deleting them, only to regret it and get back to content creation. Fortunately, I found the password to that long lost 2012 YouTube channel (which is now my 2nd YouTube channel!), so I guess you could say that that was a sign, and everything is going as “planned”.  Anywho, let’s continue onto my corset journey! 


I have lived the corset lifestyle, waist training on and off since March 2013. I started because I wanted to target or “spot reduce” around my tummy & waist, lose weight, and get snatched! Remember my wellness kick in 2012? Lol… But then I just fell in love with everything else about it: how it made me feel, the positive effects (affects?) it had on my health, and so much more! I love sharing my experiences & results in (hopefully) an educational and inspirational way. I never claim to know everything there is about corsets and waist training, and in fact I learn something new everyday by talking to other corset wearers. I also change my mind a lot about things I have said related to corsets based on my experiences and the new knowledge I gain along the way. I do enjoy answering corset related questions with my tips & tricks; debunking corset myths like breathing and organ displacement; and having a good laugh with corset “jokes” or making fun of the corset lifestyle – all in good fun, of course! I try to be quite active on social media, namely YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest, and I do my best to answer (almost) every question I get; the good, the bad, and the rude. I also (do my best) to share other body care related content, such as workouts, stretching routines, and body contouring with wood therapy.

I wear corsets usually for 1 of 2 reasons: 1) I’m really bloated and the corset compression helps with relieving the symptoms and flattening out my tummy, or 2) I’m dieting & exercising and want some assistance so I wear corsets. I’m in a corset about 15-20 hours per day (usually) and when I’m not trying to lose weight or when I don’t feel bloated, I’m wearing my corset as maintenance. I hardly ever wear my corset out in public or as part of any outfit; it’s just not my thing. And if I’m out in public and my corset is on my body, I am “stealthing” aka hiding my corset usually under big/baggy clothing. I prefer to wear my corsets solely for waist training purposes. I have a BUNCH of corset YouTube videos on my channel from corset vlogs, to beginner corset tips, to doing everyday chores in my corset. Check them out when you get a chance! 


I love traveling & being in nature; hiking and water sports are two of my favorite activities. I traveled here and there in America (Lake Tahoe, NYC, Las Vegas, Miami, Washington State, Zion (Utah), and more. But in the summer of 2022 was when I got a true taste of wanderlust. I went to London, Paris, Rome, Amalfi Coast, and Venice. Leaving the country was so amazing, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t done it sooner! Visiting places I had only seen on social media made me realize what true beauty this planet has to offer, and I want to see & experience it ALL. I have some up-coming 2024 trips: Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Fiji (just to name a few). I was so grateful to be able to learn about different parts of the world through blog posts, videos on social media, and word of mouth. So now I want to share my adventures in hopes to inspire YOU to plan your travel itinerary, buy that plane ticket, and head out into the word! Whether that be swimming under an overwater bungalow in Bora Bora or zip-lining the dense forest in Fiji. I hope you come along for the ride!


If you would like to chat with me 1 on 1 about corsets or anything else (just chatting to get to know each other), you can always subscribe to my Patreon! It’s the only platform where I accept private messages / DMs. I do not post any content on there, it is solely for chatting!


For PR, collaborations, or business, please email me:

Until next time… xo, Sin