Don’t corsets cause loose skin & deformed bones?

PSA: I’m not a doctor, and I’m only speaking from my experience, research, and knowledge I’ve gained over 10 years of wearing corsets, and I learn something new everyday. 

If u want a more biological answer, I’d recommend looking into Lucy Corsetry’s scientific research on corsets. 

With all that said, corsets are not what cause loose skin. 

What causes loose skin is fast fat loss and/or little to no muscle definition. 

But I think I know what you’re talking about. 

There are photos & videos that circulate online where a woman will take off her corset and the skin under the corset tends to loook “loose”. 

This is merely because the abdomen muscles are not defined. 

Same thing when someone has extra fat on their torso, and then they lose weight really fast without gaining or defining muscle on their abs. 

The skin tends to look loose for some. 

Wearing corsets may cause weight loss, usually in fat loss. 

So it’s important you incorporate abdominal workouts when you take off your corset and are trying to lose weight. 

Corsets have this sort of “nack” for making people think they push in all their ribs & distort the bones. 

Long story short, your bones will not be ridiculously deformed like they are believed to be when you wear a corset. 

But what does actaully happen with long term corset wearing, is that corsets may slightly push in the floating ribs, which are the 11th & 12th pairs of ribs. 

Floating ribs do not attach to the sternums or to another rib, hence the word “float”. 

When these floating ribs get slightly pushed in from corset wearing, it causes the waist to look smaller. 

I’ve been wearing corsets for 10 years, and I have full lung capacity, I’m never in pain, & my bones dont hurt.